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May 2021, Volume 6, Issue 2


by Carolyn Sithong, MS, OTR/L, SCEM, CAPS, FAOTA


-For AOTA Members Only-



Covid-19 is an example of a challenging time for therapy practice and practitioner performance.  Despite being experts in environmental adaptation and the theoretical underpinnings of how environments influence function, occupational therapy practitioners still experienced the effects of Covid-19 in the areas of work, self-care, and leisure.  Fortunately, what holds true for clients also holds true for practitioners -- that in, most disabling situations, we rise to seize the opportunity and overcome the challenge.


Home for Life Design (HFLD)
Home Assessment Psychometric Study:
Inter-Rater Reliability of a Home-Safety Assessment Tool

August 2019 - Volume 73, Issue 4, Supplement 1


Primary Author and Speaker: Debra Lindstrom

Additional Authors and Speakers: Carolyn Sithong, Katherine Sullivan


-For AOTA Members Only-



The focus of the Home for Life Design (HFLD) app-based home assessment is to determine a person’s ability to safely complete an occupation in context, and if and how the environment limits safety. An inter-rater reliability study with OT students (n=32) used online training v.5; ICC between individual raters and the author was high (.92; 95% CI). These findings contribute to the evidence that the HFLD home assessment is a reliable tool for OTs making home-safety recommendations.



Psychometrics for the Home for Life Design® Home Assessment

July 2017 - Volume 71, Issue 4, Supplement 1


Authors: Debra Lindstrom, PhD, OTRL, FAOTA; Carolyn Sithong, MS, OTR/L, SCEM, CAPS


-For AOTA Members Only-



The focus of the Home for Life Design (HFLD) app-based home assessment is to determine a person’s ability to safely complete an occupation in context, and if and how the environment limits safety. An inter-rater reliability study with OT students (n=32) used online training v.5; ICC between individual raters and the author was high (.92; 95% CI). These findings contribute to the evidence that the HFLD home assessment is a reliable tool for OTs making home-safety recommendations.


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